Art begins with Inspiration

These holidays have given me a wonderful chance to establish connections with fellow teachers all over the world. In reading and commenting upon other blogs I am increasingly realising how valuable blogging can be  in promoting understanding between people. I am now keen to update the blog more often, even during the break from school.Today’s contributions are from my collection taken on travels within my state in Bendigo, Central  Victoria and the other in Oslo, Norway. The ceramic candle holder by Camilla Halvorsen was in a shop window in central Oslo and the dog based on a chair was made by a student at my old school, Girton Grammar in Bendigo.

One thought on “Art begins with Inspiration

  1. Hi, first of all – thank you for visitng me and for your kind words! And second – Happy New Year! I love this dog, such character and also ingenuity… having being an art teacher previously it’s great to see such fantastic work – and such passion and enthusiasm from the teacher! I’ll certainly keep visiting and encourage any old arty friends I have to come along too – keep up the great work,

    Neil (UK)

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