Our School Year ends on December 19th

Since beginning our Blog the year seems to have gone faster than ever. I am looking forward to our 6 week Summer holidays and I am enthusiastic about the 2009 school year, knowing that we have this great avenue for sharing our work. Our school is celebrating its 20th Birthday in 2009. It will be great to catch up with past students and get some feedback about their Art Room experiences. Those  students I have contacted via Facebook are keen to reconnect with Taylors Lakes Primary School and each other via social networking. Many have become teachers themselves and many have undertaken creative pursuits such as Web and Fashion Design …… amazing young people. I am very proud to have been their Art teacher.

I enjoy playing around with this Matisse Widget. http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/MatisseArtist

I hope we will have an interactive whiteboard within the next year so we can share such activities with  our students in class.